TVK Nyrt. - PTPF Product and application development, procurement and installation of local exhauster over the Henschel speed mixer and Tanabe VS 40 granulating extruder
R - Plan risk assessor company drew the attention of TVK Nyrt. to that pursuant to Joint Decree No. 25/2000 (IX.30.) EüM-SzCsM the maximum permissible values for employees exposed to dust loads is 10mg/m3 for other inert dusts. The dust produced by HDPE2 significantly exceeds this value at the Henschhel speed mixer and the Tanabe VS 40 granulator during the ongoing works there. The relevant results were certified by the standard dust concentration measurements conducted by the Central Laboratory. The personal protective equipment (PPE) is not sufficient to give protection against dust exposure; in order to provide more efficient protection, the risk assessor company deemed it necessary to install collective protection devices and, more specifically, a local exhaustor equipment.
TVK Nyrt. requested Vegyterv IS Zrt. to conduct the above mentioned task.
The Client’s requirements raised for the equipment:
- In order to provide more efficient exhaustion, the exhaust hood above the equipment should be movable.
- Dust could be removed from the cartridge filters by counter gas flow.
- The separated dust should be collected and removed in a simple way.
- The equipment should be built in outdoor version of appropriate weatherproof design.
- The volume of dust to be separated: approx. 5/liters/day
- The surface of the cartridge filters: approx. 25m2
- Electrical input power supplies: 400V, (50Hz) 16 A
- Pressurized air: 5-6 bars.
Scope of contracting:
Complete design of the installation of two exhausters in view of the following requirements.
- Make the required design documentation for installation and obtain the necessary permits and approvals.
- Install one exhauster at the Compound facility laboratory.
- Install one exhauster at the TEFAR laboratory.
- Provide materials necessary for installation.
- Install electrical input power supply and service lines for the operation of the two exhausters.
- Make the required architectural and special trades works, etc.
- Start-up the exhausters one-by-one.
- Conduct tests, trial operations, and measurements connected with the commissioning procedures and document them.
- Conduct successful trial operations.
- Accomplish tasks connected with the implementation.
- Conduct tests, trial operations, and measurements connected with the construction and document them.
- Deliver paper based construction dokumentation in 5 copies.
- Make and deliver paper based implementation documentation and deliver it in 4 copies.
- Deliver documentation on the exhausters, such as:
- Manufacturer’s certificate
- Operational and maintenance instructions in English and Hungarian languages
- Disposal of construction waste and hazardous waste produced during construction and document it.
The construction work was completed on time without the need to stop the operations of the plant.
The planning and construction works completed were in compliance with the currently effective relevant Hungarian regulations, provisioning and product standards and professional specifications, the generally accepted technical solutions and standards at TVK Nyrt.
TVK Nyrt. – HDPE-2, M-407 Wet air exhauster cyclone modification
In the HDPE-2 plant of TVK Nyrt. the M-407 type wet air exhauster cyclone is placed on the external wall of the building in a height of 16 meters. In winter, below the freeze point steam separated by the cyclone freezes to it and to the wall of the building.
The vast amount of icing jeopardized the personnel traffic in and out through the gate below the cyclone and the safety of the building as well.
Scope of contracting:
After developing numerous ideas, TVK Nyrt., the Client, gave an assignment to Vegyterv IS Zrt. to provide the least cost and at the same time the fastest solution for the following construction works.
We had to lower the cyclone from its current height in 16 m to the ground floor next to the door where we installed it on a new painted steel structure standing on legs, in such way that it could have enough room under the collector cart which is there at present too.
Since the above mentioned solution could not eliminate the icing of the cyclone in winter, we installed a painted steel sheet with bolt joints between the LINDAB sidewall of the building and the cyclone. This solution can provide that no ice gets frozen on the sidewall of the building, so it cannot cause damages and/or injuries.
The construction work was completed on time without the need to stop the operations of the plant.
The planning and construction works completed were in compliance with the currently effective relevant Hungarian regulations, provisioning and product standards and professional specifications, the generally accepted technical solutions and standards at TVK Nyrt.
Vegyterv IS Zrt. references:
Paks Nuclear Power Plant Company (2005-2007):
As a member of the Consortium, we participate in providing the double-walling of sixteen 100 m3 and six 5 m3 underground oil tanks (including planning and complete construction). The applied technology (internal sheet-metal lining ) has been licensed by the Regional Technical Security Inspectorate (TMBF The planning and licensing procedures last until December 2005, whereas the construction works will be completed in August 2007.
Mol Nyrt., investment (2005):
Planning frame agreement (between 15 August 2005 and 15 August 2007) for planning/designing jobs in the Refinery area, such as
Control engineering
Mol Nyrt., Logistics (2005):
Csepel Base Depot, double-walling of 7 underground gasoline and gas oil tanks (between 25 m3 and 100 m3), tank fleet reconstruction. The project timeframe is between 1 April 2005 and 31 August 2005. The applied technology (internal sheet-metal lining ) has been licensed by the Regional Technical Security Inspectorate (TMBF).